Emphysema is generally considered under the umbrella of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). When someone has this disease, it gradually damages the air sacs or alveoli in the lungs. Smoking is thought to be the main cause of Emphysema, but you may have the disease for many years before you develop symptoms. Once the air sacs rupture, and deflate, a person may have trouble breathing. There isn’t any way to cure Emphysema once you have it, or reverse the damage but you can find ways to help alleviate the symptoms. This disease is characterized by increasing breathlessness. -
Halotherapy or salt therapy is thought to help to open up the damaged air passages allowing the person with Emphysema to be able to breath a little easier whether symptoms are severe or just the first stages of the disease. If you have Emphysema and are still smoking, the absolute best thing you can do for your health is to quit smoking. Develop a plan of attack on quitting smoking whether it involves the patch, nicotine gum, therapy, or a smoking cessation program.
In general, salt cleanses the respiratory system and speeds up the elimination of toxins. Salt has the following properties:
Loosens excessive mucus and speeds up mucociliary transport
Removes pathogens (ie., airborne pollen)
Reduces IgE level (immune system oversensitivity)
With salt therapy or halotherapy, the salt can be breathed into the lungs, bringing with it the long recognized attributes of salt. Anecdotal stories and testimonials note that some persons with Emphysema may see:
Reduction in the need for inhalers, steroids and antibiotics
Breathing is easier after just a few sessions
Improved lung function
Reduction in the number of hospital admissions
Alleviates sneezing, coughing, and shortness of breath
Clears mucus and sticky phlegm from the lungs
Increase the resistance to respiratory tract diseases
Strengthens the immune system
Prolonged remission times
Halotherapy or Salt Therapy for
the relief of Emphysema

Scientific Research on Halotherapy as a treatment for COPD
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1997 Jul-Aug;(4):19-21.
The use of an artificial microclimate chamber in the treatment of patients with chronic obstructive lung diseases.
Voen Med Zh. 1999 Jun;320(6):34-7, 96.
Halotherapy in the combined treatment of chronic bronchitis patients.
J Aerosol Med. 1995 Fall;8(3):221-32.
Halotherapy for treatment of respiratory diseases.
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2000
Effectiveness of Halotherapy of chronic bronchitis patients.
Klin Med (Mosk). 2000;78(12):37-40.
Effects of Halotherapy on free radical oxidation in patients with chronic bronchitis.
In 2011 The Salt Cave Company of the United KIngdom was invited by the National Health Service to participate in a pilot project, as part of the Personal Health Budget program, to provide therapy for a COPD sufferer, called Clara Buffong. The NHS paid for her treatment and they monitored her for over a year.
Clara Buffong, who took part in the project and explains:
“The Salt Cave changed my life. Before I visited the Salt Cave I was on lots of antibiotics and steroids, none of which made me feel much better. I was basically confined to my house, and hated to be around people as my breathing was so noisy. However, this has now changed thanks to salt therapy. I know I will never get completely better, but the Salt Cave lets me live again and manage my illness in a way that I can enjoy my life again. When I walk out of the Salt Cave I feel high on life. I call it my heaven on earth. If salt therapy can work for me it can work for anybody, so I urge all COPD sufferers to give it a go”
Source: http://saltcave.co.uk/adults/#salt-therapy-can-significantly-help-to