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You have questions, we have answers!
What is Salt Therapy?


Salt spas have been popular in Europe since the mid 1800 but before that, it was used as a powerful health remedy in ancient times. Even Hippocrates prescribed salt inhalation for bronchial & lung diseases.  Modern salt therapy involves sitting in a room built with pink salt blocks and breathing the air which is saturated with pharmaceutical grade salt.  In 1995, the Russian Ministry of Health recognized certain salt therapy treatment chambers as medical devices. Our "halogenerator" is an ISO certified medical machine manufactured to the highest possible standards.

How long is a session?

Each session starts promptly on the hour and lasts for 45 minutes.  Visitors should come 10 - 15 minutes early to check in and register.  There  is no admittance to the salt cave once a session has started.


The Hand and and Foot Detox session lasts 30 minutes.

What should I wear in a salt cave?

Loose, comfortable clothing.  Please bring a pair of clean white cotton socks to wear into the cave.  If you don't have any we will loan you a pair.

Can I touch and handle the salt?


What do I do during a salt cave session?

Just lie back in our super comfy zero gravity chairs, close eyes and just breathe deeply.  Many clients fall asleep and awaken very refreshed.

Do I have to reserve a spot or can I just show up?

Reservations are strongly recommended.  If a reservation is made and you do not arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of a session, we can cancel the reservation to give to someone else who might be waiting to go in for a session.  If a reservation has been paid through our booking software there will be no refunds due to late arrival as we will not disturb other clients if the session has started.  We will however make every effort to accommodate in the next session if space is available.

Can I take food or drinks in the cave?

No.  This is not permitted but after your session we do have spring water available as well as a number of other beverages and snacks for purchase.

Is the cave safe for pregnant women?

A visit to the salt cave is the same as spending time at a beach.  

Can I bring my child?

Yes, children can attend special kiddies sessions arranged in advance.  All children attending the salt cave under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent who is responsible for ensuring that no talking takes place.  Some toys are provided for younger children.

Should I be concerned about spending time in the cave with people who have health issues?

Salt is a very strong anti-bacterial and anti-microbial agent providing a sterile environment as are the negative ions created by the lit salt lamps.   Additionally we have an ultra-violet machine which runs 24 hours a day to recycle the air and further purify the air..

What is a Salt Cave?


Our salt cave consists of approximately 20,000 lbs of Polish pink rock salt on all walls and nearly 4000 lbs of crystal salt on the floor.  Visitors relax fully clothed in very comfortable, over-sized zero gravity chairs listening to gentle, relaxing music.  Our salt cave is designed to re-create the micro-climate of a Polish  healing salt cave.

Where are you located?

Our state of the art salt cave is located in a classic Vermont barn at 48 Main Street, Montgomery Center, Vermont in the foothills of Jay Peak in Northern Vermont

Where are you located?

Our state of the art salt cave is located in a classic Vermont barn at 48 Main Street, Montgomery Center, Vermont in the foothills of Jay Peak in Northern Vermont.

Is it dark inside the cave?

The lighting is very subdued once the session starts with the cave being lit by Himlayan salt lamps.

Are phones allowed in the salt cave?

No electronic devices are permitted due to possible damage from the salt in the air.  We ask that you leave your phones and other valuables at home or locked in your car.

Can I wear jewelry?

Preferably not as if metal, it could be damaged or get lost in our salt covered floor so we ask persons to remove jewelry before entering the salt caver.

What can I take into the cave? 

Just your purse or handbag.

What is the temperature of the cave?

Between 65 - 68F or 17 - 20C.  We do provide blankets and tuck you in so you are warm and cozy.  This temperature is needed in order to maximize the effects of halotherapy.

Is there sound and music inside the cave?

Very soft, gentle music is chosen with a view to encouraging deep relaxation.

Can I talk in the cave?

Once the session has started, the cave becomes a quiet zone with no talking.  If your group has reserved the entire salt cave for themselves, you may talk as much as you like!

What is the cancelation policy?

Cancelations are accepted up to 24 hours prior to reserved time.  We reserve the right not to refund any payments made if canceled within 24 hours.

How many persons can fit in the cave?

We can accommodate a maximum of 9 persons. 

Can I book a private session?  

Yes, please call 802-326-2283 to reserve the cave for that special occasion.

Does insurance cover a salt therapy session if prescribed by a doctor?

Although it is covered in some European countries with a national health plan, it is not as yet covered in America by insurance companies.

Services at Vermont Salt Cave Spa and information on our website, Facebook or any written publications are provided for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition.

48 Main Street

Montgomery Center, VT 05471

© 2023

 by Vermont Salt Cave & Halotherapy Center.


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