Hay Fever
According to the CDC 2014 statistics on allergies and hay fever otherwise known as allergic rhinitis:​
Number of adults diagnosed with hay fever in the past 12 months: 19.1 million
Percent diagnosed with hay fever in past 12 months: 8.0%
Children Under 18 Years
Number with reported hay fever in the past 12 months: 6.1 mil
Percent with reported hay fever in the past 12 months: 8.4%
Number with reported respiratory allergies in the past 12 months: 7.4 million
Percent with reported respiratory allergies in the past 12 months: 10.0%
Number with reported skin allergies in the past 12 months: 8.5 million
Percent with reported skin allergies in the past 12 months: 11.6%
Hay Fever conditions according to the CDC are among the most common medical conditions affecting children in the United States. This is a hypersensitivity disorder in which the immune system reacts to substances in the environment that are normally considered harmless, food or digestive allergies, skin allergies (such as eczema), and respiratory allergies (such as hay fever) are the most common allergies among children.
Salt Therapy can possibly bring relief for persons suffering from allergies and hay fever, because salt is an anti-inflammatory. It also removes pathogen agents or airborne pollen and reduces lgE levels which can cause oversensitivity of the immune system.
A visit to a salt room which operates a halogenerator, allows the client to breath in a saline aerosol generated by this European medically certified machine.
It may also help to:
Alleviate sneezing, coughing and shortness of breath
Strengthen the immune system
Clear mucus and sticky phlegm from the lungs
Salt Therapy treatment plan for Hay Fever

Scientific Research on Halotherapy as a treatment for Hay Fever.
Orv Hetil. 2015 Oct 11;156(41):1643-52. doi: 10.1556/650.2015.30267.
Theoretical basis and clinical benefits of dry salt inhalation therapy
J Med Life. 2014;7 Spec No. 2:83-7.
Surveys on therapeutic effects of halotherapy chamber with artificial alt-mine environment on patients with certain chronic allergenic respriatory pathologies and infectious-inflammatory pathologies.