According the to CDC 2014 health statistics:
Number of adults with diagnosed sinusitis: 29.4 million
Percent of adults with diagnosed sinusitis: 12.3%
Number of visits to physician offices with a primary diagnosis of chronic sinusitis per year: 11.7 million
Sinusitis often develops after a cold or flu-like illness. When the lining of the sinuses are at all swollen, this swelling can interfere with the normal flow of mucas which gets trapped in the sinuses causing an uncomfortable pressure build up. In the case of acute sinusitis, the infection develops quickly within a few days but it only lasts a short time and is generally gone within a week or so.
Symptoms of Sinusitis:​
Blocked or runny nose with green or yellow mucus which is a sign of a bacterial infection.
Pain and tenderness in the face which can feel worse when you move your head.
A toothache or pain in the jaw when you eat.
A temperature
Bad breath or halitosis
Loss of taste and smell
Salt Therapy can bring much-needed relief for persons suffering from sinusitis Halotherapy works by:
Killing bacteria
Reducing inflammation of the airways
It reduces IgE levels, which means the immune system won’t over-react to asthma/allergy triggers.
The halogenerator takes pharmaceutical grade sodium chloride (salt) and crushes it into microscopic particles which are released at a controlled pace into the atmosphere in the salt cave. It is said that 45 minutes of halotherapy is equal to 2 days at a beach. It is said to help to:
Reduce the need for inhalers and antibiotics
Clear mucus and sticky phlegm from the sinuses
Increase the resistance to respiratory tract diseases
Strengthen your immune system
2 - 5 sessions are recommended within a week to 10 days.
Salt Therapy for Sinusitis

It has been noted that 45 minutes in a salt chamber is equal to 4 days at the beach - a perfect way to treat a sinus infection.
Scientific Research on Halotherapy as a treatment for Sinusitis.
Vestn Otorinolaringol. 2003;(4):42-4.
Halotheray in combined non puncture therapy of patients with acute purulent maxillary sinusitis
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2015 Jul-Aug;92(4):36-40.
The role of non-medicamental technologies in the rehabilitation of the children presenting with acute rhinosinusitis